Explore resources to better understand and limit climate risk for pension funds.
Understanding how the financial system contributes to the climate crisis and demanding it is part of the solution is one of the single most impactful things we can do.
Many stakeholders and community members are unfamiliar with the role that public capital can play as a lever in deterring climate catastrophe. Many are also unfamiliar with the very real and rising climate risk affecting pension funds and other public funds.
But public employees and community members are essential partners in ensuring that public funds both address the risks of climate change and drive toward a more sustainable economy.
That being said, pension funds represent the secure retirement for millions of workers and are not to be mucked about lightly. We create resources to help people understand how pension funds are used to fuel the climate crisis and the solutions to manage risk.
We have trained over 1,000 advocates, students, stakeholders, and beneficiaries—explore resources or contact us to book a consultation.
What People Are Saying
"This is the bridge we need between the high-level conversations and the work on the ground."
"This is fabulous and sorely needed. So many people can use these educational resources."
Dan Cohn, IEEFA
"This is so much more comprehensive than anything I have seen provided to pension fund trustees.
Sonia Kowal, Zevin Asset Management
Checklists, Summaries and Worksheets
A Guide to Pension Funds' "Year-End" Review
Pension Fund year-end reviews can often be difficult to navigate but they are also a ripe moment to boost your fund’s resilience by managing systemic climate risk and recognizing economic opportunities in climate solutions. This guide offers three overarching topics your fund will likely review and actions you can take. Download.
Board and Influencer Mapping Handout and Worksheets For Trustees
Gain insights on identifying the key individuals, opportunities, and relationships that will drive stronger policies and safeguard your fund. This guide also highlights practical power mapping techniques tailored for trustees to enhance their strategic influence. Download.
Checklist for Policy Implementation and Accountability
When a pension fund improves its policies and principles to understand better and limit climate risk, it is setting itself up for much stronger long-term health, financial sustainability, and security of public workers’ retirement futures. Discover eight questions to see if your fund is setting itself up for climate risk policy implementation and accountability. Download.
Climate Risk and Fiduciary Duty (A Narrative Framing Tool)
Pension trustees are responsible for managing climate risk across the fund’s entire portfolio. This falls within their fiduciary responsibility to ensure that decisions and actions are in the best financial interest of beneficiaries. Learn more about communicating the importance of managing climate risk with beneficiaries. Download.
Committees that Build Stewardship Capacity
Learn how pension committees with the expertise and resources to better understand systemic risks enable pension systems to effectively mitigate climate and equity risks, and promote corporate accountability for fund resilience and innovation. Explore fund examples and best practices. Download.
Data Frameworks for More Accurate Climate Risk Analysis and Transition Finance
Effective climate risk analysis tools are essential for pension funds to identify portfolio vulnerabilities and assess companies’ transition readiness. Discover essential steps to investigate the quality of your fund’s climate analysis. Download.
‘Say What?!’ Glossary
(Expanded November 2024)
The transition to a climate-resilient economy requires a clear understanding of the terms and concepts shaping climate-conscious investment strategies. This glossary demystifies key concepts to empower pension fund stakeholders with the knowledge and language needed to navigate the complex intersection of systemic climate risk, fiduciary duty, and financial resilience to support informed decision-making and strengthen collective efforts to mitigate climate risk while advancing inclusive, equitable economic outcomes.
Engagement Opportunities for Beneficiaries (Examples)
Explore six examples of engagement that beneficiary groups can request from their fund. This is not an exhaustive list but rather intended to prompt groups to consider what form and function would be most effective and accessible for their fund. Download.
How to Strengthen a Fund’s Strategic Asset Allocation
When pension boards and staff assess their risk exposure during "the year-end review," they set the stage for long-term financial stability and a successful transition to sustainable investments. Learn how trustees can advocate for a climate risk-aware asset allocation strategy to protect workers' retirement futures. Download.
Identifying and Reframing Disinformation
Disinformation and misinformation are powerful tools used to erode trust, distort facts, and undermine sustainable investing strategies. You can protect your pension fund and safeguard your financial future by recognizing these tactics and reframing harmful narratives. Download.
Intersectionality and Climate Justice (Handout)
The climate crisis impacts us all, but its burdens are not shared equally. As wildfires, heatwaves, and extreme weather events grow more frequent, they expose deep social inequities. Explore the impact on workers and communities. Download.
Mapping Board and Influencers to Build Power
Discover tips for identifying the key people, places, conversations, connections, and shared interests for carving a path toward bolder policies and protections for your fund. This guide also demonstrates key power mapping phases. Download.
Menu for Change: 10 Policy Paths Pensions Can Take To Tackle Climate Risk
Discover ten common ways your pension can better tackle the impact of climate risk and corporate unaccountability on the fund's health, including expanding climate risk analysis tools and scenarios, strengthening proxy voting, and establishing a formal ESG committee. Download.
Opportunities for Climate Solutions Investments with a Just Transition Lens
To make durable, equitable climate finance solutions a reality, it will take a coordinated concert of voices and stakeholders in the pension system to help educate and advocate. Discover potential policy decision points pension funds can consider for addressing climate risk with a just transition lens. Download.
Organizing Worksheet: Checklist for Effective Tactics
Ensuring that your organizing approach aligns with your overall goals and resonates with your intended audience is key to making change. Learn how to balance creativity with strategic thinking to enhance engagement efforts and produce more impactful results with these ten questions to help you focus on strategic engagement. Download.
Snapshot of Climate Investments by US Pension Funds
See how public pension funds are incorporating climate considerations into their investments to enhance long-term financial health and sustainability. Take a closer look at key examples of climate-aligned strategies, equipping pension stakeholders with insights into supporting climate resilience and responsible financial stewardship. Download.
Understanding Asset Manager Due Diligence
Due Diligence should be included in the Investment Policy and shared with all parties responsible for investment decision-making. Explore benchmarks for consistent evaluation and ensure that your asset managers are using their shareholder power in ways that align with your fund's values and long-term goals. Download.
Ways to Strengthen Transparency and Engagement with Workers and Retirees
Explore a few examples of actions that a fund can take in three key areas—information access, authentic communication, and engagement—to demonstrate how pension funds can improve their transparency and interaction. This resource serves as a springboard for exploring the kinds of actions and improved standards you can call on your fund to improve. Download.
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