Do’s and Don’ts to Combat Disinformation Effectively

The Importance of Combating Disinformation in Climate Justice

Combating disinformation is crucial in the movement for climate justice because false narratives undermine public understanding, erode trust in scientific consensus, and stall critical policy advancements. Disinformation sows doubt about the reality and systemic risk  of climate change, hindering efforts to mobilize communities and enact meaningful solutions.

For marginalized groups already disproportionately affected by climate change, the spread of false information exacerbates vulnerabilities and diverts attention from necessary support and intervention. We can ensure accurate information prevails by effectively addressing and neutralizing disinformation, fostering informed decision-making and collective action toward a just and inclusive economy.

Combat Disinformation Effectively

Disinformation spreads rapidly, but the right tools and strategies can help us counteract false narratives. Here’s a comprehensive list of practical do’s and don’ts to empower you to combat disinformation effectively.

Don’ts in Combating Disinformation

  1. Amplify Disinformation: Avoid sharing, commenting, or reacting to disinformation online, even if you are trying to debunk or correct it. Social media algorithms often boost the visibility of content that receives interaction, inadvertently giving disinformation more play.

  2. Use Fabricated Terminology: Do not use the terminology that disinformation peddlers have created. Sharing articles or public pieces that primarily use their framing gives these false narratives more airtime and credibility.

  3. Create Response-Focused Materials: Avoid creating content solely focused on responding to disinformation claims, such as “busting myths.” Repeating a lie, even debunking it, can make it more familiar and, therefore, more believable to the public.

  4. Target Individuals in the Disinformation Trap: Don’t focus most of your energy on convincing people who have fallen into the disinformation trap that they are wrong. Additionally, avoid mocking or dunking on disinformation and its dealers, as this can entrench beliefs further.

  5. Present Facts Without Context: Presenting raw facts and figures to counter a lie without any positive framing or actionable stories can be ineffective. People need a compelling vision and narrative to connect with rather than just counterpoints to false claims.

Do’s in Combating Disinformation:

  1. Promote Factual Narratives: Share the factual narrative of responsible investing, highlighting the benefits and wins of pursuing it. Focus on positive visions and success stories.

  2. Report Disinformation: Actively report disinformation when you encounter it. Platforms often have mechanisms for flagging false content, which helps reduce its spread.

  3. Educate and Empower: Share tips and tools to help people spot, respond to, and protect themselves against disinformation. Contact friends or colleagues who amplify disinformation and guide them toward accurate information.

  4. Expose Dangerous Goals Without Repeating Lies: When exposing the actors behind disinformation and their harmful objectives, ensure your content is free of their main points or terminology. Center your messaging on the positive vision and actionable steps to achieve it.

  5. Amplify Credible Messengers: Find and amplify credible voices who can share accurate stories and reach broader audiences. Credible messengers can help dismantle false narratives more effectively.

  6. Tailor Your Messaging: Research and customize your messaging to specific audiences open to change. Use points, questions, and stories that connect with their experiences and values.

Combating disinformation requires a strategic approach that promotes truth and positivity without giving undue attention to false narratives. By following these do’s and don’ts, we can empower more informed and resilient advocates for climate action.

Learn More Practical Strategies to Counteract Disinformation and demystify the finance system as a powerful arena for change-making

Learn more about how to avoid the pitfalls intentionally set by disinformation dealers attempting to distract from the opportunities in responsible investing in Part 5 of the Investing in Our Future: A Guide for Climate-Conscious Pension Strategies, Tips for Combating Disinformation.



Climate Finance Action (CFA) is a women-led, 501(C)3 non-profit organization equipping stakeholders and decision-makers to leverage the transformative power of publicly-held capital for real-world climate solutions to ensure a just transition to an inclusive economy in favor of people and the planet. With a focus on collaboration, education, and strategic partnerships, CFA has facilitated groundbreaking dialogues, developed comprehensive educational materials, and engaged with numerous stakeholders— educating 8,000+ union leaders and members and advising over 40 state treasurers and pension staff working towards policy reform.


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