ESG Investor Feature: ESG, Trump, and the ‘Anti-woke’ Backlash

James Fernyhough published ESG, Trump, and the ‘Anti-woke’ Backlash featuring commentary from CFA Executive Director, Mary Cerulli. Please see the excerpt below and click-through to read the full article.

“Political pressures in the US have prompted fund outflows, greenhushing and a fall in support for shareholder resolutions – but views differ on how deep they run.

Last November, the trustees of Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management (MassPRIM) gathered to discuss a sensitive question: should the public sector pension fund continue to use the term ‘ESG’, or drop it? Republican lawmakers and commentators had successfully weaponised the initialism over the previous two years, turning it into a…” (Continue Reading)

This article was originally published by ESG Investor online, on July 24, 2024,


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